

Friends of Devonport Regional Gallery - Become a Friend of the Gallery and receive: free or discounted entry to all gallery functions; invitations to exhibition and event openings; regular newsletters outlining activities at the Gallery; information about workshops, classes and school holiday programs; exclusive lending rights to the Devonport Regional Gallery’s library; discounts on items in the gallery ‘Little Shop’ including art supplies and books; reciprocal benefits with museums and galleries nationally and internationally through the Australian Federation of Friends of Museums; Prices: Individuals $25, Concession $15, Family $30 (Friends memberships are valid for a 12-month period) ***** Interested in becoming a Friend? Call us: (03) 6420 2900 to complete the membership over the phone, or drop into the Gallery at the paranaple arts centre: 145 Rooke Street – Market Square, Devonport. ***** Join online: submit your details & payment online to become a member! Just select today’s Date and your Membership Type at the top of the page and the correct price button will appear to select (Adult, Concession, Student or Family – ensure only one is selected so as not to be charged for multiple memberships, but you can purchase more than one membership at a time if required).

Terms and Conditions